Monday, October 13, 2008

Seeking Lookup Volunteers

Today I would like to brooch the subject of volunteers. I need your help to make the site successful, so if you have a few minutes a week to help a fellow researcher, have a look at the list of publications located at and see if there is anything you can assist with. If you have an extra publication and would rather not do lookups, you can always expand my library and send it on to me. I do lots of research, have an extensive library but am always interested in more books. I believe they are one of our greatest gifts.



Monday, September 29, 2008


I'm so glad you stopped by. I really hope everybody will use the blog to share information and get to know each other. I think we can all help each other break down brick walls. Personally, I'm in southwest Missouri and would be happy to go to close by libraries or cemeteries to gather data. Maybe you are in Arizona or Kansas and can get to information easier than I could. So, join in. Introduce yourself and have fun.